Friday, 17 July 2009

nothing at all


feeling very hyped up today because... TGIF!
tsk few things make me happy now, except the promise of more time for more sleep

i finished reading Holes by Louis Sachar today, like finally... it's a short novel but hell i kept having to set it down after only a few pages into it because there is NO time to sit down to read properly nowadays oh woe is me. it's for my P3 kids i hope they can understand the book. i think they do lah, smart kids.

when can i start on my Phillip Pullman! like never! it's due soon wtf wtf wtf. and i haven read Angels and Demons.

but never mind! there is hope! last week of internship. one more week to go and i'm done! then it's batam and more sleep and more shopping and more reading and more everything, before i start a new semester and haha then i'll come back here to complain about school again.

do singaporeans thrive in retarded repetition?

anyhows, i'm looking forward to a great weekend. ikea, harry potter, tampines 1, and hopefully more rest.

Is Burberry using Emma Watson to break into the teenage market? Hmmm.

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