Saturday 5 September 2009

ahem! announcement!

i know, i blog-hop too often. serves me right for having lesser and lesser readers.

anw, for those of you who don't know yet, i have shifted over to wordpress, for the time being. until blogger stops being irritating. or, until i may stay at wordpress if they finally allow free accounts to add widgets. i need tagboard and nuffnang!

or maybe i should use tumblr. hmm but it's v American wahahah. Toodles!

Thursday 20 August 2009

I dunno if it's my laptop or blogger, but i really cant post pictures and change font colour.

in my frustration:

See? Even links don't get hyperlinked automatically. You have to copy paste to browser. What nonsense right. I hope to choose from either tumblr or wordpress and start blogging again. Blogger, you're lousy! BOOO.

Wednesday 19 August 2009

2nd week of sch

Many people comment that I must be crazy to take Hoca’s module, and Advanced Film Studies at that. I don’t disagree, but I truly enjoy his lessons.

He started Monday’s class saying this to me:
“Oh hello! You’re finally back! I haven’t seen you for months. Where’ve you been? The few times when I called you to say we’re having people over, why din’t you come? “
“You did? Did you get the wrong number? I din’t receive any invitations!” I replied.
“You din’t? What a waste!” Then he was done acting and just told me “Welcome back.” J
The 3 hours in his class were awesome. Very challenging ideas, yes super challenging and out of the box, but accessible. He has this manner of lecturing that makes very chim materials accessible to us. But of course, hard work on our side is expected. I’m game. HL414 is the best lesson I’ve had this week.

Intro to Theatre and Perf is fine and dandy too. Interesting games that deal with imagination and “feeling” the stage. Made some friends from the Chinese division, we had lunch together, they are nice people, it was kinda interesting. But I guess for group discussions I very much prefer my English mates just because we have the same background info from the same English modules and it’s just easier to convey our thoughts, and in this way also leave more room for higher level thinking and exploration. Yay for fellow English majors! Am kinda glad I’m grouped up with them for the first 3-min perf we have to do in week 6. What’s theatre? What’s drama? What’s Performance? What’s play? I don’t have the answers yet.

Urban Culture Asia, on the other hand, is very socio-political. I like. Challenging but I like. All the pan-asian and deterritorialization concepts are…fascinating. Culture and globalization wooooo! I get excited at things like that sorry haha.

This leaves Post-1945 American the only lit-sy module for me this semester. Doesn’t mean I have less readings though. They add up to about the same workload.

So I’m in my 2nd week of school and I’m actually feeling the stress. I go to sleep thinking, and hence dreaming, about school work/tuition kids. I have so much to do, I don’t even entertain thoughts of going out for fun during the weekends. If I can survive next week, I can survive anything!

*ties a bi(4) sheng(4) towel around forehead*

My laptop refuses to load blogger I dunno why, so I’m actually blogging this in sch during my break. New FAL, more space! Okay back to reading byebye

Tuesday 11 August 2009

copy paste to ur browser

for the time being.

the need to post smth

I've been receiving alot of flake for not blogging tsk.

But thing is blogger has been giving me alot of problems. I dislike blogging when the text editor toolbar is missing. Sometimes when i sign in, it's there, then it disappears the next time i sign in. Somebody help?

I'm still photo-constipated thank you very much.

In fact i have more and more photos but i cant post them here wtf. And i don't really wanna facebook them because well, i'm not an attention-seeking person who likes to... *eyes trail to twitter update*

Am feeling angsty, tired, and sorethroat-ish.

Tuesday 4 August 2009

Month-sary (photo diarrhoea part 1)

Photos for your pleasure.
The sequence is jumbled because i uploaded them in this odd order and blogger's alignment sucks. Disgusted.
Anw, for monthsary the man brought me to the Crabmeat Linguine place for fine dining.
I was blindfolded and had to guess the place he was bringing me to, but i haven been there before so of course i dunno. am touched by his effort. :)
Portobello mushroom dish looks like a pile of shit but is damn nice!

okay bye.

Monday 3 August 2009

WHY OH WHY when i have finally uploaded the photos onto my laptop, blogger fucks up again?